The GUI is pretty easy, up and down what you are asking. In fact the screen examples shown appear to be hard-coded. Keep in mind Java works best letting itself manage the layout thereby keeping all the widgets visible, even on the various platforms.
Lots of applications get built on top of a database. You don't have to use a database, but there are several advantages with persistence across startup being built-in. You can add persistence easy enought to a disk-based datastore.
I vote for NetBeans IDE to use pure textbook code. Don't get involved with the drag-n-drop gui builders (those add a whole bunch of untouchable code).
For database, you have the built-in (Apache) Derby in the SE - standard edition of Java. The EE - enterprise edition Java -- has more libraries for server / database. Or, you can use MySQL which keeps you alive for changing your technology in the future.
Because this is financial, I would recommend you skim a book: Manning Publications, "POJOs in Action". The book covers a working example, from scratch, of a banking system. The idea is the POJO - Plain Old Java Object - that acts like a daemon which visits several transactions to avoid queing issues and/or interruptions of the daemon circuit. The book goes into tiered architecture, which is necessary when you convert real paper money into electronic credits. Your requirements look like bookkeeping instead of commerce, so you would not need the extensive moat system the book illustrates.
I do recommend Java because I have always found solutions for those add-on things that reveal themselves as needed later ons.
good luck