2013-12-22 09:17:49 UTC
I'm currently teaching myself C++ and just downloaded the Code::Blocks integrated development environment. Specifically, I downloaded the file
instead of
During the installation process, I got this message saying
"After auto-detection, at least one compiler's master path is still empty and therefore invalid. Inspect the list below and change the compiler's master path later in the complier options. The GNU GCC complier was detected successfully, but about 20 others (like Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 and Cygwin GCC) where labeled "invalid (not set!)."
Now, before, I tried installing the IDE Eclipse C++ for Windows and tried desperately looking all over the internet trying to figure out how to "change my path" so i could have the IDE point to an installed MinGW compiler since that didn't come preloaded. I never understood what to so or how to change my path variable. The lingo on places like StackOverFlow was too much.
I want to understand this PATH stuff. So if you could help, how would I get Code::Blocks to use a Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 compiler?
Also, what are all these projects I can start (ARM project, Orge Project, WIn32 GUI Project). I started a Win32 GUI Project since the name looked familier. When it asked my for my compiler. I first choose Visual C++ 2010 to see what would happen. It gave something like, "please indicated SDK directory" or something like that. When i chose the GCC complier, everything worked( probably because it came with the file codeblocks-12.11mingw-setup_user.exe ).
Thanks in advance. Imagine you are talking to someone who knows nothing about path environement and projects. 10 points.
Also, what is this: name project -> source -> main .cpp. Can I make multiple programs under the same project?