How long does it take a 13 year old to learn HTML, Pthon and other programmes?
Lightning Blade
2012-05-19 12:25:39 UTC
Iam 13 years and within about 1 hour I've learnt the basics of html. I can add background colour write a header (

) and put colour in writing and a bit on adding pictures. I;m quite smart and since i'm 13 how long should it take me to be able to use html. Also how long will it take me to be able to use Python, C and C++, not altogether just on seperate occassions. I'd like an answer from someone who knows about this thanks.

Ten answers:
2012-05-19 12:34:37 UTC
well, the younger you are, the easier you absorb knowledge, but how fast you absorb knowledge has more to do with the learning method than what is being learned.

if a how-to guide is laid out well, then you will learn it faster than one that has been slapped together without thought. also, pictures in a guide, or an ability to put what you have learned to use right away will help keep someone learning what does what, and how things work within a language.

honestly, HTML is one of the easier languages out there (tricky to troubleshoot, though). if i was you, i would continue with learning Java or JavaScript, then PHP, then C and Python. progressively learning things which are SLIGHTLY more complex makes the learning go more smoothly. also, learning JavaScript and Java and PHP first (since they are related to HTML more, being more web-oriented), you will perhaps feel more familiar with the code, before delving into the more complex codes.

again, the speed at which you learn will vary, and while Python and C are more complex than JavaScript and PHP, those two are equally more complex than HTML...
2012-05-19 19:33:18 UTC
HTML is simple. In fact, it's not even technically programming. When you come to learning Python, C or C++, you'll realise this.

HTML/CSS (you need CSS for formatting such as colour, height, etc.) may take a few weeks to get to an intermediate level and understand all the tags, the advantages and disadvantages of certain tags, deprecated (obsolete) tags and good HTML practice. Note that you may also want to learn JavaScript or ASP/PHP which will take a lot more time.

For Python, C or C++, it will takes weeks to get a very basic understanding, months before you're anywhere near proficient at it to make anything decent and probably years to become fully adept where you can make full programs without guidance. Of course, this will definitely fluctuate depending on how much dedication you have.
2012-05-19 19:56:19 UTC
Well, I'm 19 and I only started computer science (even simple web design markup languages like HTML) last year and I know A LOT now. Of course, the fact my brain is more developed might have contributed to by accelerated understanding of material.

Honestly, HTML does not take long (maybe a week) to learn as you should also learn how to style with CSS as well. Python is another simple language that might take a few weeks to a few months. C++ is a different story.

Anyways, in the one year I've been a CS student, I've managed to pull of all these languages (my site):

If I can do it, so can you!

Hope this helps!
2012-05-19 19:37:26 UTC
It takes months of experience to be any good at anything technical. You haven't learned HTML in an hour. What you have done is picked up a couple of things you are liable to forget if you don't keep using them. It takes lots of study and patient practice to be able to do anything competently. So, the answer to all of your questions is "months".

This is probably not the answer you were hoping for. When I was your age, I thought I knew all kinds of programming languages and was doing well. In reality, I knew next to nothing and had a lot wrong ideas about how to learn and what I was capable of. Pick one or two things and start with those. Spend a month or two really getting to know them. Work each day on your thing of choice and practice often. Buy a good book if you can (O'Reilly is a good brand in my experience).

And remember: if doing something involves copying and pasting lines of text from somewhere else, you're lost. Consulting documentation is normal; having to copy it isn't. I've seen people in college level classes who thought they knew how to program and they had to copy everything. They could create nothing original. It is an easy trap to fall into, and you see it all the time here on Yahoo!.

These are the things I would tell my younger self if I could go back in time. I wish you all the best in your studies!
2012-05-19 19:35:07 UTC
HTML is pretty easy - I picked it up fast when I was around your age, too! But as far as actual programming like Python, C, and C++ go, they are much more difficult and will take much longer. They are NOTHING like HTML. I wouldn't say it's impossible, though - look up online resources and test them out for yourself. I've been learning Python for a semester and I still struggle with it, when I picked up HTML in like a day years ago. It depends, though - if you're passionate about it and keep reading it shouldn't be that bad. :) (plus as a 13 year old you've got more free time than when you're older, so if you're interested I'd say go for it now!)

Good luck!
2012-05-19 20:00:58 UTC
I'd say a week or two for HTML. Which is good. It's still a page description language and figure a couple of months -- 2 or 3 to learn python well. Then you'll be ready for a compiled language like C++.
2012-05-19 19:31:24 UTC
You really only have the very basic skills of HTML. You need to get yourself a good HTML book and go through it. The things you listed that you know about HTML are old commands and are not really used that much anymore. You need to learn CSS. As to the programming languages, there are lots of good tutorials online as well as some books that can teach you the basics. I would start with Javascript as it is used with websites and is a great program to learn when you are just starting.
2012-05-19 19:30:15 UTC
i am 15 now and I learned all these languages in 2 years. I spented my summers reading books and doing exercises and it worked out pretty well I know perfectly html java python php sql and c++

If you are determined you can do everything
Computer Technician
2012-05-19 19:34:52 UTC
I guess it depends on how smart the 13 year old is. I can see that I bet you don't make to good of grades in spelling and grammar.

Anyway good luck. I was your age 63 years ago. Then I didn't even know what a computer was.
2012-05-19 19:28:57 UTC
ok, so i'm 13 too, and i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You are smart!!!!

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