Here is a little comment system I put together.
This is not a "shout out" type system. I will add support for that in another version.
This system is meant for you to collect comments from users about your site. You can enable email too.
If you would like this BETA version just email
or download it below.
Instillation notes are are the bottom of this page.
This script is provided with out any warranty. Read the Terms of Service at viewtopic.php?f=16&t=17
This is BETA. I still have to add some more modules to it.
:arrow: Future modules:
Management portion for Admin defined subjects
Shout box capabilities
Admin defined email formatting (customization)
Reply/Reply All communication through the site via "View as email"
Below is a quick video of the system. You can play around with it at ... hrough.swf
Here are some more features for the comment system. ... e_Features
:!: Instillation Notes:
Make sue you can FTP to a server with PHP and MYSQL running
Make sure you are able to use the mail() function (If you do not then you can set the send to mail configuration option to "N")
Edit the "" for your database settings.
The current SQL import is set for a database with a name of "comment_system" (You can create a new database with that name or you can edit the "comment_system.sql" file in the "bdback" folder) Make sure you do not upload this folder or file to your server
If you need assistance please email