Bring home the Linux that promises to make available applications for all your Enterprise, Desktop and Home needs.
World's only Linux, natively with Kalculate (Financial Accounting on Linux), CollabCAD, KDE, Blender (3D), NVU Graphical HTML Editor, Hydrogen Audio-Video Editing, and many Multi-Media tools,Games, Tool-Kit for Oracle, Mozilla-Firefox, Mobile Phone Utility, Mono Development IDE, Eclipse, Sun Java, and a lot more of everything you wanted in a Linux distribution.
Easy to install.
Single CD Desktop install.
Includes Kalculate, the First Financial Accounting package on Linux
Technical features
LTSP Thin-client automated Installation.
Supermount making CD-Rom handling easy, enabled by default for removable media (CD-ROM, Floppies, USB-storage, etc.)
SCSI emulation is no longer needed to use CD recorders
POSIX ACLs option available, just add "acl" to the mount options.
Samba can also take advantage of this to emulate NT-type ACLs
Hardware and system integration support
Number of hardware devices that require drivers supplied by the device manufacturer are now configured at system installation time.
NVIDIA 3D drivers
Soft-modems drivers included for many soft-modem models
CUPS Printers driver, easily configurable, includes support for over a thousand printer models
MacromediaFlash plugin
Java-2 SDK & Eclipse pre-configured for Java Developers
Gambas the new VB-like IDE alternative pre-configured with Unix-ODBC and Sqlite
WINE custom-configured to run many MS-Windows applications straight out of the box with printer support
DOSEMU pre-configured with mouse support, supports legacy DOS applications developed in Foxpro & Clipper
Anti-virus: ships with Clamav and Amavis, Samba shipped with several VFS anti-virus modules
Ximian connector included as a plugin allowing Evolution users to access the group-ware features on Exchange 2000 or 2003 server, as well as email
Personal firewall with graphical configuration utility myfirewall, aimed for desktop users, not servers, with a simple configuration
Support for many Indian languages with fonts
Support to all possible Initiatives from India
Unique features for the use of IT-Engineering students with top-of-the-line Development environment and tools to study and conduct their projects that can become live-part of the Distribution
Creative scope for Educational Institutions
Institutions can become excellent centers of technical development for the world, giving their students the best exposure
Availability of tools used by NGOs and other Social-sector organisations reducing their cost of Computing, while using the best possible tools for their work.
OpenLX fills the gap by making available an Indian Linux Distribution for free-download (GPL distribution) while having a commercial-enterprise-grade-version of the same.