I've been looking around for a good html editor that let's me see what I'm doing as I'm doing it - a live update. I have to be able to use html and css on it.
Please if you have anything that could help that would be incredible.
Eleven answers:
2011-10-06 20:35:55 UTC
Online Editors:
HTML Code Generator - http://htmlcode.discoveryvip.com/
Simple text to HTML converter: http://website101.com/cgi-bin/t2h/Mt2h.cgi
Text to HTML converter: http://txt2html.sourceforge.net/
Convert Text to HTML: http://knopok.net/text-to-html.html
For HTML I like the old Mozilla Composer. If you also need CSS support then Dreamweaver is the best in my opinion
2014-08-31 06:41:15 UTC
A good and easy to use html editor is Kompozer. Recommended for beginners. Grab it here http://j.mp/1rH1K0F
2011-10-06 15:12:52 UTC
Notepad. Thats what i use atleast. No flashy buttons no cheating good way challenge yourself. Just save the file as .html instead of .txt.
2011-10-06 14:55:36 UTC
I suggest, try to use AdobeĀ® Dreamweaver. It is one of the best HTML, CSS, Java and PHP editor.
2011-10-06 15:44:52 UTC
I was in your position just last month. I finally went for Dreamweaver and it turned out to be much more powerful than most on the market. I'm sticking to it for now.
2011-10-08 21:02:14 UTC
You can also try Kompozer, it's quite basic to understand and will let you browse your web page at anytime while building it:
If you need a manual using Kompozer, check this site out: