You were told in the same type post before that the file name is incorrect. You can not use compound words in file names. Use any of these: fallen-angels.wav | fallen_angels.wav | fallenangels.wav
Be sure file name is changed in the path and actual file. As shown, your media file and HTML file must be in the same directory. If not, correct the path as file can not be found if they don't share a proper relationship as given by the relative path.
How to Add Music to Web Site:
How to play music on a website, blog or MySpace with HTML music codes.:
How to Add Background Music to Your Web Page:
How to Add Background Music to a Website:
How To Add Music to a Website Using HTML Code:
How To Add Music To Your Blog Or Website:
Customize a Flash Video Player with playlist:
Embedding Media:
Although the embed tag (there's only ONE) is deprecated, it is still included for some browsers. You can get the needed media code for your video at the following sites.
I don't agree with using tables and usually change the code to div, nor do I agree with the fact the code includes a closing embed tag which is not needed, but it does get the job done. The one site allows you to test the video so be sure to put the correct paths in.
This may be helpful: JW FLV Media Player 4.4 -