I forgot to mention that you should have downloaded MASM32 from here:
I don't know what that other MASM package you downloaded is, but it might not contain everything that you need for building complete Windows programs.
I'll get your program running and give you some good advice too.
The Windows API functions that have anything to do with strings are actually split into 2 different functions. In this case, there are MessageBoxA() and MessageBoxW() functions. The MessageBoxA() function is for strings with single byte ASCII character strings. MessageBoxW() handles wide (i.e. 2 byte Unicode) strings. In your source code, change 'MessageBox' to 'MessageBoxA'
With C/C++, you can either call the proper 'W' or 'A' API function directly or you can set a #define and the compiler will select the proper single byte or wide character function. By default, single byte strings are assumed, so a function call to MessageBox() would be translated to MessageBoxA(). Sometimes my programs have a mix of wide and single byte strings, so I always write the specific 'A' or 'W' function names.
Unlike C/C++, MASM only allows you to declare single byte strings variables, so to declare a wide string variable, you would have to do something like this:
hello dw 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 0
Use the MULTITOOL program in the \masm32 directory to help you write wide character strings.
To create an .exe program, you need to pass the .asm file to the assembler program (ml.exe), which creates an .obj (object) file. The next step is to pass the .obj file to the linker program (link.exe), which creates the .exe file. With Microsoft C/C++, you pass the .c or .cpp source file to the compiler (cl.exe) and then pass the .obj file to the linker (link.exe). To see a list of command-line parameters for the link.exe and ml.exe programs, use the /? parameter.
For both MASM32 and Microsoft C/C++, I use batch files for creating my Windows programs.
Here's what's in my MASM32 batch file (masm.bat):
\masm32\bin\ml.exe /c /coff /I\masm32\include /nologo "(program name).asm"
Here's what's in my linker batch file (mlink.bat):
"\masm32\bin\link.exe" /LIBPATH:\masm32\lib /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO /MACHINE:IX86 /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,4.0 "(program name).obj"
If you are creating a console program (text output only), then you change 'WINDOWS' to 'CONSOLE'
Each of my Windows program and .dll projects have their own directory on the hard drive and I copy the 'default' batch files there and modify them accordingly. The directory names in the two batch file lines above have the hard drive letters omitted, but you may want to put in your own drive letter.
Just remember to modify the .asm and .obj file names in the batch files for your own programs.
Change the '.386' to '.686' in your source file. You may need to use the Pentium CPU instructions later on instead of sticking with the limited .386 CPU instruction set.
Why are you using the 'NULL' word in your source code? 'NULL' equals zero, so it is easier to just type out '0' instead.
The 'addr' word in your source code can be replaced with 'offset.' I prefer to use 'offset' but I just mention this in case you come across other MASM32 .asm source files on the internet.
If you have never programmed with the Windows API functions before, then you MUST buy this book:
I learned Windows 3.1 (16 bit) programming from one of his books long ago, and I actually used assembly language instead of a Windows C compiler.
I found a link to a .pdf file of the book. You can view it online or download it.
If you don't have the Windows API SDK, then you should download it from Microsoft's web site. It has the documentation for all of the Windows API functions, the .h and .lib files for C/C++ compilers, tools, and example programs. The API function documentation also tells you if a function has a wide character equivalent and which .dll file the function resides in.
Do you see your include and includelib lines? Instead of always having to figure out which .lib and.inc files to include, just declare a bunch of the most commonly used ones, like user32.lib and user32.inc, kernel32.lib and kernel32.inc, gdi32.lib and gdi32.inc, etc. Then remove the MessageBox line and the data lines and save the .asm file so it can be re-used as a template for your other Windows .asm programs.