You did not show how you read the post... (logging.php)
The script that receives the post should look like:
$user = $_POST [ ' customu ' ]; // the names of the fields in your form.
$pwd = $_POST [ ' pass ' ];
and your query to db should be like:
$sql = "select * from `accounttbl` where `UserName` = ' " . $user . " ' " ;
$list = mysql_query($sql);
while ( $lst = mysql_fetch_array ( $list ) )
echo ("first name = " . $lst [ ' FirstName ' ] . "
echo ("last name = " . $lst [ ' LastName ' ] . "
echo ("email = " . $lst [ ' Eadd ' ] . "
echo ("username = " . $lst [ ' UserName ' ] . "
[space added for clarity,
to replace with the real one (stupid editor) ]
This sentence: UserName='$customu'
is wrong. It could be $UserName = $_POST [ ' customu ' ];
$_POST versus $_GET:
$_GET is appended to the URL address and hence, visible (security risk).
$_GET is LIMITED in (different) LENGTHs by different browsers, sometimes as short as 1000 characters! BEWARE of this!
$_POST is not limited in length, and is invisible.