On unix systems (or linux systems) if the first two characters in the file are #!, then everything up to the end of the line is considered to be the program name and arguments to pass to the program to interpret the file.
for example if the program started with
The program /bin/csh would be used as the interpreter of this file.
would cause perl to interpret this program.
would cause the /bin/false program to interpret (not run) this program.
Perl is an interpretive program. You don't need to compile it.
You just need to have the appropriate perl environment installed.
What makes the #! so interesting is that the languages that support this type of calling convention, also consider lines that begin with a # to be comments. This makes the program interpreted one way by the OS and another way by the executing program.
Windows does not have the convention that if the first 2 characters in the program file are #! then the rest of the line is the program to interpret the file.
You will need to create .bat files that perform the task such as a file called runit.bat that contain the following line
\perl\bin\perl runit.pl
Hope that helped.