Why buy a template when there are literally a few hundred thousand out there free of charge? A template is only worth a lot of money if it meets all web standards and is coded to XHTML 1.0 Strict.
You could get paid hosting and make your own web site using FREE HTML web editors. There are even FREE FTP programs for uploading your web files instead of using the online editor in the Control Panel. If you go for FREE web hosting, you have less options and have to use a sub-domain name.
Even the graphics editors are free and they are darn good.
Free HTML Editors, Web Editors, and WYSIWYG Web Editors and Site Builders:
HTML Editor Reviews - http://www.wdvl.com/Reviews/HTML/
Free Online Editor Tool: http://htmledit.squarefree.com/
Free Flash Website Builder (Online): http://www.wix.com/
PageBreeze (Free visual (WYSIWYG) and HTML tag/source modes): http://www.pagebreeze.com/
Notepad++ (Free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages): http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm
Serif WebPlus SE: http://myrtc.blogspot.com/2009/08/review-serif-webplus-se.html