Heres a good example. I record songs off the internet in .wav format. I then use a program that converts them all into .mp3.
After that, I have to goto My Computer and highlight all the wav files and then delete them.
I then use another program to edit the MP3 ID tag.
So instead of doing all this clicking to do those 3 tasks, I have a batch file:
c:\progra~1\alivem~1\mp3wav~1\mp3wavconverter.exe *.wav /mp3
del *.wav
The first line opens up my mp3 converter program and immediately starts to encode all my .wavs to .mp3.
The second line tells it to del all files ending with .wav
The 3rd line opens up another program for me to edit the MP3 tags.
So with one simple click of my .bat file, I have done 3 tasks in 5 seconds. If I was to do this manually, it would take 30-45 seconds.