I assume that you want to create web pages to enable you to start a business and earn a living?
The honest answer is that a serious business of any kind takes money to start and to run. Fact.
Free usually comes with limitations and restrictions. Fact.
Despite those who are telling you to find everything for free, I guarantee that you will still be searching for what you actually need in 6 months or 12 months or longer and you won’t get anything done. If you rely solely on free then you will become frustrated and disillusioned. You will never find everything that you need for free so give up on that idea. What you envisage doing will cost you money to do correctly and effectively. You will need to invest in the knowledge that you will require at some point. You need to find the right coach or the right course. That is you conundrum. Who do you go to? I guarantee that the one that you should be going to is going to cost you money.
Yes, you can find plenty of free stuff using the search engines and YouTube etc but what you get is usually a snippet or a portion of what you actually need. All will have an upsell, cross sell or down sell. They are marketers and they are selling you stuff. Expect it and accept it but most of all, learn from it! Watch what others are doing. Learn how they found you. Learn what words they used to find you. Learn where it was they found you. Study the email sequences that they send you. Sign up to as many good ‘gurus’ as you can and take from each what you can. This takes time and you will learn plenty for free but it still won’t teach you exactly what it is you need to do.
Online business has many facets and is much more than just creating a website or blog. Learning it all takes time and understanding. An online business isn’t something that you learn just from reading books or watching video tutorials. You need to put real time in. Make real mistakes. Test, test and test again.
Nobody does the exact same thing online. Each has his/her own little quirks, methods, strategies and funnels etc and none of them have got it right first time and most who do make it take 3 or more years ‘learning the hard way and making mistakes’ before stumbling on the right niche before they were able to tell you how ‘easy’ it all is. They often tell you how many mistakes they made but they put a fantasy slant on it to impress you with their ‘experiences’. What they don’t tell you is that you will likely go through the exact same 3 years regardless of having a step by step manuscript of how it’s done simply because online business takes time to build, it is a learning curve and you will make mistakes just as any business does.
Very rarely is online business an overnight success. Most will give up or fail because they believed the hype of ‘quick easy money’. They put garbage in and get garbage out. This is a business and if it were so easy then everybody doing it would be living in mansions instead of producing crappy $7 eBooks that tell you how you can make six figures. Really? If I found the way to make six figures in such a short time do you honestly think I’d be telling you how to do it and in doing so creating more competition? The irony is ironic!
Most ‘gurus’ or ‘online coaches’ are not actually teachers and they often breeze over the essentials or they inadvertently skim or completely miss the essential tiny detail that they take for granted. That tiny detail is what newbies need to be told. Miss one step or overlook one aspect and you are potentially set to fail regardless of how much a course costs you.
There are of course also some charlatans out there who will promise you the world with some slick sales pages that newbies fall for and they will gladly take your money. The key is finding who to trust and who can teach you what you need to know.
Not sure you are going to get what you need for $105 but good luck.