Programming & Design
Calculator In C Code?
2007-05-01 04:03:44 UTC
I need the source code of calculator immediately. Can anyone help me plz. I have developed one but it is not completed yet.
Seven answers:
2007-05-01 04:20:07 UTC
Seriously, calculator in C is an easy program.
If u are new to C, u'll be done with +,-,*,%,^,/ and factorial in 30-40 minutes.
Google "Calculator in C". I just did.
u'll get loads of simple, medium and difficult source codes.
(the 1st link is great - programmersheaven)
2007-05-02 03:12:06 UTC
the code for calc in c is
* Calculator program - 9 May 1985
* Please send corrections or remarks to:
* Bob Brodt
* 34 Mehrhof Rd.
* Little Ferry, NJ 07643
* (201)-641-9582
* This is a simple integer arithmetic calculator program. It uses infix
* notation, i.e. 1+2*3 as opposed to "reverse polish" notation: 1 2 3 * +.
* Numbers may be input as in C using 0x notation for hex, and a
* leading zero for octal, everything else is assumed to be decimal.
* Also available are 26 registers referenced by a single letter
* (a-z or A-Z, case is ignored).
* The following operators are supported (from highest precedence to
* lowest):
* ( ) associativity
* ~ one's complement
* * / % mutliply, divide and modulo
* + - unary and binary add & subtract
* << >> shift left and right
* & bitwise AND
* ^ bitwise exclusive OR
* | bitwise inclusive OR
* = assignment
* , comma - seperates function arguments
* All operators associate from left to right with the exception of
* the assignment (=) operator.
* The calculator also has built-in function capabilties which may be
* enhanced later:
* base n - set the output conversion base to n (n = 8, 10 or 16)
* help - displays a help screen containing the above information.
* ? - displays all of the variables and their current values.
* Tokens
#define T_EOL ';'
#define T_CONST 'C'
#define T_SYMBOL 'S'
#define T_LPAR '('
#define T_RPAR ')'
#define T_COMMA ','
#define T_ASSIGN '='
#define T_POINT '$'
#define T_MUL '*'
#define T_DIV '/'
#define T_MOD '%'
#define T_ADD '+'
#define T_SUB '-'
#define T_NEG '_'
#define T_NOT '~'
#define T_SHL 'L'
#define T_SHR 'R'
#define T_AND '&'
#define T_XOR '^'
#define T_IOR '|'
#define T_FUNC 'F'
* Operator/Operand stack, base ptr and top of stack ptr
#define STAKSZ 128
struct {
char o_token;
int o_value;
} Opstk[ STAKSZ ];
int Opbase, Opsp;
* Value (working) stack, base ptr and top of stack ptr
int Valstk[ STAKSZ ];
int Valbase, Valsp;
* Built-in Functions and jump table
int f_sum(), f_base();
int (*Functab[ 2 ])();
* Symbol Table
int Symbols[ 26 ];
* Miscellaneous
#define MAXLEVEL 32
char Level; /* current recursion level in calc() */
char Token; /* current input token */
int Value; /* and its value */
char Eol; /* set when end of line encountered */
char *Lineptr; /* points to next character in input line */
char *Ofmt; /* current output format (set by "base" command) */
int Error; /* set if parsing error occurred */
char Nohelp; /* set if help was given already */
char *skipws();
char line[ 1024 ], *cp;
for ( ;; )
Error = 0;
* read a line from stdin and try to parse it
printf( "? " );
if ( ! gets( line ) )
cp = skipws( line );
if ( *cp )
if ( *cp == '?' )
else if ( strcmp( cp, "quit" ) == 0 )
else if ( strcmp( cp, "help" ) == 0 )
calc( cp );
* If no parsing errors were found, print the
* results of the evaluation of the expression.
if ( Error && Nohelp )
printf( "do you need help ? " );
gets( line );
cp = skipws( line );
if ( toupper( *cp ) == 'Y' )
else if ( ! Error )
printf( Ofmt, Value );
putchar( '\n' );
printf( "bye bye\n" );
* initialize
Functab[0] = f_sum;
Functab[1] = f_base;
push( 10 );
Nohelp = 1;
Nohelp = 0;
printf("This calculator uses infix notation i.e. 1+2*3 as opposed to\n");
printf("\"reverse polish\" notation: 1 2 3 * +.\n");
printf(" Numbers may be entered using 0x notation for hex (like in C),\n");
printf(" and a leading zero for octal, everything else is assumed to be\n");
printf(" decimal.\n");
printf(" Also available are 26 registers referenced by a single letter\n");
printf(" (a-z or A-Z, case is ignored).\n");
printf(" The following operators are supported (from highest precedence\n");
printf(" to lowest):\n");
printf(" ( ) associativity\n");
printf(" ~ one's complement\n");
printf(" * / % mutliply, divide and modulo\n");
printf(" + - unary and binary add & subtract\n");
printf(" << >> shift left and right\n");
printf(" & bitwise AND\n");
printf(" ^ bitwise exclusive OR\n");
printf(" | bitwise inclusive OR\n");
printf("-MORE-" );
printf(" = assignment\n");
printf(" , comma - seperates function arguments\n");
printf(" All operators associate from left to right with the exception\n");
printf(" of the assignment (=) operator.\n");
printf(" The calculator also has built-in function capabilties (which\n");
printf(" may be enhanced in a later revision):\n");
printf(" base n - set the output conversion base to n (n = 8, 10 or 16)\n");
printf(" help - displays a help screen containing the above information.\n");
printf(" ? - displays all of the variables and their current values.\n");
int i;
for ( i=0; i<26; ++i )
if ( !(i % 8) )
printf( "\n" );
printf( "%c=", i + 'A' );
printf( Ofmt, Symbols[ i ] );
printf( "\t" );
printf( "\n" );
* NOTE: The comments make reference to "lvalues" and "rvalues". These
* are attributes of
(primaries, for the layman, are things
* like constants and variables, and parenthesized expressions. If you
* don't know what an expression is, you shouldn't be a reading this!).
* If a
is an "lvalue", it means that it can usually be found on
* LEFT-HAND side of an assignment operator. "rvalues" can only be found
* on the RIGHT-HAND side of an assignment. Simply stated, only things like
* variables can be used as both "lvalues" and "rvalues", whereas things
* like constants and parenthesized expressions can only be "rvalues" since
* it wouldn't make sense to say: 12 = 5.
calc( line )
char *line;
* Parse and calculate an arithmetic expression pointed to
* by "line". This routine is fully re-entrant - a feature
* that is not currently used, but may come in handy later
* (for instance if a variable points to a character string
* that contains an expression to be evaluated).
char *savLineptr;
int savValbase, savValsp, savOpbase, savOpsp;
if ( ++Level > MAXLEVEL )
err( "recursion" );
* Save all global variables that may change if calc()
* is called recursively.
savLineptr = Lineptr;
savValbase = Valbase;
savValsp = Valsp;
savOpbase = Opbase;
savOpsp = Opsp;
* Set up stack base ptrs and input line ptr
Valbase = Valsp;
Opbase = Opsp;
Lineptr = line;
* Get the first token from input line and parse an
* expression and then evaluate it.
Eol = 0;
if ( ! Eol )
if ( Error <= 0 )
Value = evaluate();
* Restore previous values of globals
Lineptr = savLineptr;
Valbase = savValbase;
Valsp = savValsp;
Opbase = savOpbase;
Opsp = savOpsp;
* Evaluate an expression by popping operators and operands
* from the Operator/Operand stack and performing each indicated
* operation. Only the operators starting from current base ptr
* (Opbase) to top of stack (Opsp) are evaluated, so that evaluate()
* may be called by any generation of calc().
int opsp, val, *ip;
char op;
#define TOS (Valstk[Valsp-1]) /* top of stack macro */
for ( opsp=Opbase; opsp
op = Opstk[ opsp ].o_token;
if ( op == T_CONST )
push( Opstk[ opsp ].o_value );
else if ( op == T_SYMBOL )
* Push the address of a variable
push( &Symbols[ Opstk[ opsp ].o_value ] );
else if ( op == T_POINT )
* Get the value of the integer pointed to by the
* address on top of the stack. This usually follows
* a T_SYMBOL when the symbol is not being used
* as an "lvalue".
ip = pop();
push( *ip );
else if ( op == T_ASSIGN )
* Assignment operator: The item on top of stack is
* the "rvalue", second on stack is the "lvalue"
* (an address where to store the "rvalue"). The
* "rvalue" gets pushed back on top of the stack.
val = pop();
ip = pop();
push( *ip = val );
else if ( op == T_ADD )
val = pop();
TOS += val;
else if ( op == T_SUB )
val = pop();
TOS -= val;
else if ( op == T_NOT )
else if ( op == T_NEG )
else if ( op == T_MUL )
val = pop();
TOS *= val;
else if ( op == T_DIV )
val = pop();
TOS /= val;
else if ( op == T_MOD )
val = pop();
TOS %= val;
else if ( op == T_SHL )
val = pop();
TOS <<= val;
else if ( op == T_SHR )
val = pop();
TOS >>= val;
else if ( op == T_AND )
val = pop();
TOS &= val;
else if ( op == T_XOR )
val = pop();
TOS ^= val;
else if ( op == T_IOR )
val = pop();
TOS |= val;
else if ( op == T_COMMA )
else if ( op == T_FUNC )
push( (*Functab[ Opstk[ opsp ].o_value ])() );
err( "bad operator in stack: 0x%x (%c)", op, op );
return Valstk[ Valbase ];
push( val )
if ( Valsp >= STAKSZ )
err( "stack overflow" );
return Valstk[ Valsp++ ] = val;
if ( --Valsp < 0 )
Valsp = 0;
return Valstk[ Valsp ];
* Parse an expression. Expressions have the following syntax:
* so the first thing to look for is a primary.
int lvalue;
if ( !(lvalue = primary()) )
err( "bad expression" );
else if ( Eol )
if ( lvalue < 0 )
generate( T_POINT, 0 );
op_prim( 0, lvalue );
op_prim( precedence, lvalue )
int precedence; /* precedence of current
int lvalue; /* type of current
: -1 => lvalue */
/* 0 => no
(error) */
/* 1 => rvalue */
* Parse the
part of an expression.
* "precedence" is the PREVIOUS
's precedence level
* (0=low, +n=high).
char tkn;
int pr, lv;
while ( ! Eol )
* Get the precedence level of current
* If it is greater than previous operator ("precedence"),
* get the next
and do another
* NOTE: For left-to-right associativity, the condition
* pr > precedence
* must be true. for right-to-left associativity,
* pr >= precedence
* must be true (assignment operator only).
pr = binop( Token );
if (
(pr>precedence && pr>0) ||
(Token==T_ASSIGN && pr>=precedence)
if ( Token == T_ASSIGN )
if ( lvalue > 0 )
err( "= needs and lvalue" );
else if ( lvalue < 0 )
generate( T_POINT, 0 );
* Save the operator token and do a primary.
tkn = Token;
if ( ! (lv = primary()) )
err( "missing an operand" );
* Now look at the next operator. If its precedence
* is greater than this one ("tkn" above), generate
* code for it BEFORE this one.
lvalue = op_prim( pr, lv );
if ( Token != T_ASSIGN && lvalue < 0 )
* Next operator is not the assignment op.
* and the current
is an lvalue,
* therefore generate a "load from address
* on top of stack" instruction.
generate( T_POINT, 0 );
* This makes it an rvalue now.
lvalue = 1;
else if ( tkn!=T_ASSIGN && Token==T_ASSIGN )
* YEECH! this is the only way I know of to
* detect errors like: a+b=c
err( "= needs an lvalue" );
* Generate the instruction for the current operator.
generate( tkn, 0 );
return lvalue;
* Parse a primary. Primaries have the following syntax:
* '('
')' |
int rtn;
int val;
if ( Eol )
return 0;
* Return value:
* -1 => the
is an lvalue
* 0 => not a
(usually end of line or a syntax error)
* 1 => the
is an rvalue
rtn = 1;
switch ( Token )
case T_SYMBOL: /* a symbol */
rtn = -1;
case T_CONST: /* a constant */
generate( Token, Value );
case T_LPAR: /* a parenthesized expression */
if ( Token != T_RPAR )
err( "missing ')'" );
rtn = 0;
case T_SUB: /* unary - */
* The lexical analyzer is not smart enough to recognize
* unary operators (+ and -), that's why we have to do
* it here
generate( T_NEG, 0 );
case T_NOT: /* unary ~ */
generate( T_NOT, 0 );
case T_ADD: /* unary + */
case T_FUNC: /* built-in function */
val = Value;
generate( T_FUNC, val );
* Not a primary
rtn = 0;
return rtn;
binop( op )
char op;
* Determine if "op" is a binary operator and return its
* precedence level if so. If not, return 0.
switch ( op )
case T_COMMA:
return 1;
case T_ASSIGN:
return 2;
case T_IOR:
return 3;
case T_XOR:
return 4;
case T_AND:
return 5;
case T_SHL:
case T_SHR:
return 6;
case T_ADD:
case T_SUB:
return 7;
case T_MUL:
case T_DIV:
case T_MOD:
return 8;
case T_NOT:
return 9;
return 0;
generate( tkn, val )
char tkn;
* Push the given token and value onto the Operator/Operand stack.
if ( Opsp < STAKSZ )
Opstk[ Opsp ].o_token = tkn;
Opstk[ Opsp ].o_value = val;
err( "expression too complex" );
* Lexical Analyzer. Gets next token from the input line
* pointed to by "Lineptr" and advances "Lineptr" to next
* character. If end of input line is encountered, the
* "Eol" flag is set.
char *cp, buf[ 128 ];
int i;
* skip white space
Lineptr = skipws( Lineptr );
if ( ! *Lineptr )
Eol = 1;
Token = T_EOL;
else if ( *Lineptr == '0' )
* Check if it's a hex or octal constant
Token = T_CONST;
if ( toupper( *Lineptr ) == 'X' )
for ( cp = buf; ishexdigit( *Lineptr ); )
*cp++ = *Lineptr++;
*cp = 0;
sscanf( buf, "%x", &Value );
else if ( isdigit( *Lineptr ) )
for ( cp = buf; isoctdigit( *Lineptr ); )
*cp++ = *Lineptr++;
*cp = 0;
sscanf( buf, "%o", &Value );
Value = 0;
else if ( isdigit( *Lineptr ) )
* It's a numeric constant, "Value" will be its value.
Token = T_CONST;
for ( cp = buf; isdigit( *Lineptr ); )
*cp++ = *Lineptr++;
*cp = 0;
Value = atoi( buf );
else if ( Value = isfunc( &Lineptr ) )
* It's a built-in function, "Value" will be the index
* into the function jump table.
Token = T_FUNC;
else if ( Token = isbinop( &Lineptr ) )
* It's a binary operator
else if ( isalpha( *Lineptr ) )
Token = T_SYMBOL;
Value = toupper( *Lineptr ) - 'A';
* Bad character in input line
err( "bad syntax: %s", Lineptr );
return Token;
char *
skipws( cp )
char *cp;
while ( *cp==' ' || *cp=='\t' )
return cp;
isfunc( cpp )
char **cpp;
* Check if *cpp is the name of a built-function, return the
* function jump table index+1 if so and bump *cpp to next
* character. Return 0 if not a function.
char *cp, *bp, buf[ 80 ];
int funcno;
* copy the name from input line buffer to a local buffer so
* we can use it to make a proper comparison to function names.
for ( cp=*cpp, bp=buf; isalpha( *cp ); )
*bp++ = *cp++;
*bp = 0;
* compare it to all of the function names we know about.
if ( strcmp( buf, "sum" ) == 0 )
funcno = 1;
else if ( strcmp( buf, "base" ) == 0 )
funcno = 2;
* not a built-in function
funcno = 0;
if ( funcno )
*cpp = cp;
return funcno;
isbinop( cpp )
char **cpp;
* Check if *cpp is a binary operator, return its token value
* and bump *cpp to next character.
int tkn;
char c;
c = **cpp;
if ( c == ',' )
tkn = T_COMMA;
else if ( c == '=' )
tkn = T_ASSIGN;
else if ( c == '<' )
if ( *(++(*cpp)) == '<' )
tkn = T_SHL;
else if ( c == '>' )
if ( *(++(*cpp)) == '>' )
tkn = T_SHR;
else if ( c == '(' )
tkn = T_LPAR;
else if ( c == ')' )
tkn = T_RPAR;
else if ( c == '*' )
tkn = T_MUL;
else if ( c == '/' )
tkn = T_DIV;
else if ( c == '%' )
tkn = T_MOD;
else if ( c == '+' )
tkn = T_ADD;
else if ( c == '-' )
tkn = T_SUB;
else if ( c == '^' )
tkn = T_XOR;
else if ( c == '&' )
tkn = T_AND;
else if ( c == '|' )
tkn = T_IOR;
else if ( c == '~' )
tkn = T_NOT;
tkn = 0;
if ( tkn )
return tkn;
* usage: sum( a, b )
* Sum all the numbers between a and b
int i, a, b;
b = pop();
a = pop();
for ( i=a+1; i<=b; ++i )
a += i;
push( a );
* usage: base( n )
* Set output number base
switch ( pop() )
case 8:
Ofmt = "0%o";
case 16:
Ofmt = "0x%x";
case 10:
Ofmt = "%d";
err( a, b, c, d, e, f )
if ( ! Error )
printf( a, b, c, d, e, f );
putchar( '\n' );
Error = 1;
ishexdigit( c )
char c;
return instr( c, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" );
isoctdigit( c )
char c;
return instr( c, "01234567" );
instr( c, s )
char c, *s;
while ( *s )
if ( c == *s++ )
return 1;
return 0;
2007-05-01 08:10:46 UTC
1 2 3 go free
2007-05-01 04:14:52 UTC
You can try these site where people share their source code:
Most languages
Most languages
Most languages
C Language
Hope this helps & good luck,
Light U
2007-05-01 04:18:49 UTC
I dont know
2007-05-01 10:58:28 UTC
2007-05-01 04:06:23 UTC
i dont have any idea about this
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.