2011-10-29 09:32:09 UTC
Assume the input data is structured as follows: first there is a non-negative integer specifying the number of employee time sheets to be read in. This is followed by data for each of the employees. The first number for each employee is an integer that specifies their pay per hour in cents. Following this are 5 integers, the number of hours they worked on each of the days of the workweek. Given this data, and given that an int variable total has been declared, write a loop and any necessary code that reads the data and stores the total payroll of all employees in total . Note that you will have to add up the numbers worked by each employee and multiply that by that particular employee's pay rate to get the employee's pay for the week-- and sum those values into total.
This is what I have managed to put together, I would really appreciate any help in completing this program.
These are the errors I'm getting back.
CTest.cpp: In function 'int main()':
CTest.cpp:17: error: conflicting declaration 'double total'
CTest.cpp:10: error: 'total' has a previous declaration as 'int total'
using namespace std;
int numberOfEmployees;//to store number of employes
double payPerHour;//to store hourly pay
int hoursWorked;//to store worked hours of week
double total=0;//to store total of all employees
//prompting for input number of employees
cout<<"Enter Number of employees : ";
//Reading number of employees
//validating number of employees
cout<<"Invalid entry, Try again"<
cout<<"Enter Number of employees : ";
int hours;
//reading pay rate for each employee
for(int i=1;i<=numberOfEmployees;i++)
hoursWorked = 0;
//reading working hours for a week
for(int j=1;j<=5;j++)
//reading hours
//adding to weekly hours
hoursWorked +=hours;
//calculating total salary of all employeess
total +=hoursWorked*payPerHour;