There's a couple ways to approach this.
Option #1) The easiest way.
If you just want a fresh, empty "c:\test" directory, then you could simply delete the whole thing, then create a new directory. You were on the right track for this ... just needed the "/q" for quiet deletion, and recreate your test directory.
@echo off
rd c:\test /s /q
md c:\test
echo C:\test has been deleted successfully
echo Please inform the ISD technician that the system is ready
Option #2) A little more complex.
You can parse the files and folders in the c:\test directory and delete them from the root.
@echo off
rem delete files quietly from the root of c:\test.
del c:\test\. /f /q
rem delete all sub-dirs quietly from the root of c:\test
for /f "tokens=*" %i in ('dir test /b') do rd "%i" /s /q
echo C:\test has been deleted successfully
echo Please inform the ISD technician that the system is ready
Couple of other notes on other suggestions,
Deltree - no longer native in Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Retired with NT/95.
Doing del c:\test\*.* /(whatever the switch is), plus the switch for not prompting,
Which would look like,
del c:\test\*.* /s /q
Would delete all non-readonly files, but not sub-directories. You'd be left with whatever directory tree structure you had under c:\test, plus any read-only files that might be there.
I'd go for option #1, personally.