Most things in life are "event driven"...
A washing machine?
- Door open button pressed;
- level of water reaches the desired level;
- Emptying: water level reaches the minimum
- User turns the "program button"
etc, etc
When "something" happens (an "event"), the program MUST act accordingly, whether it is in the middle of other things...
Take the door open button:
EVENT: user presses the button.
if (spinning) do nothing
if (waterlevel high) do nothing
if (waterlevel = 0 and not spinning and not heating and temperature < 20 deg C and and and...)
open the door.
You live through "event driven"!
You are watching TV.
The phone rings? You pick it up! YOU are event driven!!!
Event driven means that you interrupt whatever you are doing to RESPOND to an event.
Technically, it is a response to an INTERRUPT (which says what it does: interrupting the current task, and gosh, the phone can be an interrupt pest!)
EDIT: Arnack and the other are explaining "sequential programming", NOT Event Driven. A SEQUENCE of events that happen in a given order. The fact that is can be conditional does not affect the sequence...