no if u do know nothing about any programming languages then it's not suitable for directly begin from C++ because it's hard although language is widely used and popular and speed if u look any C++ source codes then u can see how it complicated for beginners (both Native ISO/ANSI C++ and C++/CLI from Microsoft) also it may really hard to learn C++ if u think Java is Hard because Java is actually like C# maybe VB.NET for some people
anyway I suggest u to first learn C# it's a great language for all beginners then u can learn the core concept of a C# language then u will eventually learned about core concepts of most of languages actually all object oriented programming languages got the same core concept there is nothing to learn about concepts (all most)if u correctly understand one language
first learn C# then u can move to C++ after u done all concepts and basic programmings exercises like Variables , Loops , Arrays , Catch Errors , How to make own Libraries likewise then u can move to either OpenGL or Direct3d because they are real Gaming API (An application programming interface )so u can make games like a professional game developer
but it may take time I guess at least 6 months or less but it's up to u if u work hard then u can do it less than in time but if u do it with a week or month gap then some times u may forget some important codes or might be techniques that find by yourself
so first I recommend u to do C# then finish it with basic knowledge don't go too far if u know the basic of C# then it's enough then move to C++ then learn unique features of C++ and how to coding in C++
(it doesn't matter the native C++ or on CLR)so after u familiar with C++ then learn the either Direct3D or OpenGL (but I recommended Direct3D because it's from Microsoft and most of modern games used that than OpenGL also Windows fully supported with Direct3D than OpenGL in Windows OpenGL codes converted to Direct3D so it may got some lags (small))
finally u will know what u do for making a game