Allan, for the love of God or whatever deity you follow, recognize the fact that if you have to ask these questions, you are not qualified. Especially with a company image. Your boss is a cheap b****ard who is avoiding paying someone what they deserve who knows that they are doing.
Sure, you can probably muddle through it, you can probably impress your boss, but this is the cause of crappy web sites on the web - people think they can do it and are clueless about the real effects of amateur web publishing.
It's not just about "how it looks" or just the content. "Anyone can build a web page" is absolutely true - but those of is that do it for a living can spot a crap site in a hot second, and identify all the reasons why it fails - cross browser compatibility, accessibility, usability, validation, SEO, hundreds of reasons.
If you ignore all this (as you and all the thumbs down amateurs will) consider also that this is a COMMERCIAL site for a BUSINESS which now opens up a whole list of LIABILITIES.
Do you remember this?
This suit sets new presidents for commercial web sites.
Sure, you can "play the odds" and justify it, "only our customers will visit the site, none of this applies to us, we never had a problem . . . " but it's like stealing content and copyright violation: do you want to risk your company's reputation on all of this?
Sure you do. Go ahead . . . . ignore me.