Craig W
2011-09-08 03:23:39 UTC
For a long time now I have always wanted the ability to manipulate a computer and make my own software, and I am looking to someday hopefully go to Qantm College when I obtain my HSC and study Games Programming.
I have alot of knowledge about almost all aspects of computers, but I am stuck now! I need to know your opinions; What do you find to be the best operating system to program on (What is your favorite environment, easy to work with ect) and what Programming language you use?
I am currently self teaching myself the basics of C++ because Visual Basic got me into programming a few years ago but I only started to get the basics down and started making my own forms and little programs like log in tools ect, and I have done some research and it seems that C++ is the way to go?
I have downloaded tons and tons of tutorials and source code to begin learning the code myself and have picked most of it up pretty easily, but I am just wondering if it is the right programming language for me to learn? At first (Before I did my research) I thought C would have been the way to go, now I am unsure because in the Qantm Booklet they have sent me it says they focus on C++ Development? I know C++ is better for making very big applications, so I have gotten the impression anyway, but C has better control of memory and other aspects of the hardware?
I am also unsure of all the C followings, like, I don't know where some of the languages stand? Mostly, I don't know the difference between C and (I think it's Microsofts) C#, C++ and how they are all so different if they all originated from the C language?
I am currently using Linux Mandriva (I feel alot more at home when I use Mandriva, apposed to Ubuntu as I am not the biggest Linux user, I'm actually quite the noob in this environment)
If you could also tell me more languages that would be good to also have a basic understanding of (I was thinking of learning a little bit of Java and Flash CS5, as it is currently being taught at school so I thought I may as well listen and get the basics down) but I know that Flash and Java are more for the Rapid Development approach and are alot slower compared to C++ coding in terms of how it executes? This I am also not sure of if I am wrong please correct me :)
I read somewhere that Apple only supports C/C++ Development for there iPhones and iPads (And obviously iPods) and I would love to create little programs for these aswell, and I have gotten the impression that this is the only programming language you can use to develop on it? (Which is funny because for a long time I was under the impression that C++ was mainly development for Microsoft systems, I don't know why)
So if any of you could help me out I would appreciate it alot, thank you! :)