PIKT® is cross-categorical, multi-purpose software for monitoring and configuring computer systems, administering networks, organizing system security, and much more.
PIKT is intended primarily for system monitoring, and secondarily for configuration management, but its versatility and extensibility evoke many other wide-ranging uses.
When confronted with its multi-functionality, one webmaster didn't quite know where to list it, saying that he might have to invent a whole new category for PIKT!
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PIKT consists of a sophisticated, feature-rich file preprocessor; an innovative scripting language with unique labor-saving features; a flexible, centrally directed process scheduler; a customizing file installer; a collection of powerful command-line extensions; and other useful tools.
A reviewer once said of PIKT, "this is by far one of the most interesting/powerful tools I have seen for Linux administration."
Another wrote that PIKT "excels at handling a diverse collection of machines, saves time and eliminates repetition, and gives you a global view of your site.