Word, WordPad, Publisher and even the infamous FrontPage, including many Microsoft web editors should NEVER be used for web pages. They guarantee that your web pages will NOT be cross-browser compatible because of all the Microsoft Schema code it adds. Only IE and Maxthon understand this code. Additionally, FrontPage requires server extensions be installed to work correctly. Also, OpenOffice is not a web editor.
Useful Tools/Info:
How to Register Your Own Domain Name: http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/registerdomain.shtml
How to Buy a Domain Name: http://www.webdeveloper.com/management/manage_buying_domains.html
15 Tools For Finding a Perfect Domain Name: http://slodive.com/design/tools-for-finding-a-perfect-domain-name/
Web Design Tips: http://www.webweaver.nu/html-tips/
Webmaster Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.thesitewizard.com/faqs/
Use the media code for the YouTube videos. Embedding Media:
Although the embed tag (there's only ONE) is deprecated, it is still included for some browsers. You can get the needed media code for your video at the following sites.
I don't agree with using tables and usually change the code to div, nor do I agree with the fact the code includes a closing embed tag which is not needed, but it does get the job done. The one site allows you to test the video so be sure to put the correct paths in.
How to Make a Web Site:
How to Create a Web Site: http://www.4creatingawebsite.com/?=gg
Web Developer Class: Learn the Basic HTML Tags!: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/html/article.php/3478151