What language do you program in most often: HTML Java JavaScript C++ C# C Python Perl Visual Basic, etc...?
:: Python
Which do you like programming in the most?
:: Python
Which is the easiest to learn?
:: It depends on the person learning. I learned HTML first, then went into programming languages like Python, Java, C, C++. I think Python is definitely easier to learn than the rest though.
Which is the quickest to use after getting started?
:: Not sure what this means. "After getting started" as in learning the language? Well, then they're all just as "quick" if you've already learned them!
Which is the safest?
:: All are safe, but you need to know what you're doing. Some of the lower-level ones wont let you do something it thinks you don't want to do, but others do whatever you tell it (sometimes bad things). I'd say HTML is the safest.
Which would you recommend to your techie friends?
:: To techies? C#. It's supposedly the future of computer programming, so that's where it's at-- or will be at.
Which would you recommend to a novice?
:: HTML and/or Python - though they have different purposes. HTML is for making websites and Python is coding.
Which do you find the most useful?
:: Actually, Java. I've yet to find something easy that can't be done in Java that can be in another language.
Which did you learn first?
:: HTML, as I said earlier.
Which do you know?
:: I know HTML, Java, Javascript (loosely), C++ (loosely), C (loosely), and Python
Which are you most familiar with?
:: Python. I help run my universities introductory Computer Science course in Python (I'm a CA -- course assistant). I use it all the time.
Which is the most enjoyable?
:: Definitely not C++ or C. Only because of my course in it where we used makefiles and text editors like pico (notepad) instead of development environments like the Python Shell (IDLE) or Eclipse for Java. The most enjoyable would probably be Java.
Which is the most logical?
:: Python. In Python you can use words to represent logic operators, which is much more elegant than "||" or "&&". A loop to go through the numbers 0-5 in python starts like this:
for number in range(5):
In Java or C++ the same loop would look like this:
for (int number=0; number < 5; number++){
It's not as clear (or logical) what the second example does as it is in Python. Sure it may be easy to understand, but I argue that in Python, it's easier.
Which is the coolest?
:: HTML.
Which do most people use?
:: I was always under the impression that most use C++, though more and more I find diehard Java users (more of the realm where I fall).
The bottom line is that it all comes down to preference. I like object-oriented, straightforward coding, while others like nitty-gritty, close to the machine coding.To each his own.