2010-04-28 14:25:39 UTC
Class Student will have attributes midExam and finalExam(to store test scores each with values of 0 to 100) and an array of up to ten whole numbers called scores[].
A void method addscore() will accept as an argument a whole number from zero to 100, and store that value in the scores[] array.
The class will also have setter method(s) to store or change the midterm and final grades,
Class Student will have a method averageScores() to calculate and return the average of all the scores as a decimal number.
Class Student will also have a method getGpa() to compute the grade as the average of midExam and fianlExam, then averaged (40% weight) with the average scores[]; i.e.
gpa = .6((midExam + finalExam)/2) + .4(average_of_all_scores)