2008-12-20 11:01:37 UTC
I mainly need to know how to build something like the “Manage Link Gear” on HTMLgear.com and an end user updateable calendar. I also need to know how to do a message board of some sort, but that can wait as I can use free stuff for a while. Here is the one I am currently looking to add some of these back end options too: http://fbcommunitygarden.com/ This group needs a way to upload text and images to one page, update a calendar, a message board, and a user area.
This group needs to be able to change out pictures of animals and update a calendar on this site that I made as well: http://cfprescue.com/
I know about HTMLgear and other similar sites, but I want to learn how to do these things myself so the sites do not have to link to their site and I can customize it more and not have adds on it. Is there a particular programming language or languages that I should learn? If so, are there free tutorials online? I won’t have any money until my husband gets another job, but when I do, are there classes at a community college for the programming side of it? If so, what are they usually called? I live in the Dallas area.
bonus points go to - Although, I do not need this right now… I would also like to learn how to do databases. That might not even be the right term. I want to be able to put all of my images online and search for them something like istockphoto.com only just for my photos as I have a lot. I also want to learn how to allow users to make their own user names to log in and enter in their volunteer hours, etc.