The below code is untested PHP. So you'll need to convert it to C++ and make sure it works, but it should definitely give you a good idea of how to get started. If you're unfamiliar with some of the PHP functions used below go to and type it in where it says "search for" at the top right. Good luck!
// String which holds the potential palindrome. You can set it manually or get it from form data or where ever else.
$string = "potential palindrome";
// If you want the test to be case insensitive.
$string = strtolower($string);
// Int which holds the length of the above string (in this example it would be 20).
$length = count($string);
// Boolean which determines whether the string is a palindrome or not. We'll assume it is true unless the below code determines otherwise.
$palindrome = true;
// Loop through only the first half of the string (the reason for using floor is so that if the string doesn't divide evenly it means there is a character in the middle so we don't have to bother making sure it is the same as itself).
for($i = 0; $i < floor($length/2); $i++){
// Check to see if the current letter matches the letter on the opposing side. So the first test would check for position 0 ("p") and position 19 ("e"). The next test would be position 1 ("o") and position 18 ("m"). The final position would be 9 (" ") and 10 ("p").
if(substr($string, $i, 1) == substr($string, $length - $i - 1, 1)){
// The letters do match. Keep testing.
} else {
// The letters don't match, meaning the string is not a palindrome. Set the boolean to false and break out of the loop since no further testing is required.
$palindrome = false;
// If the above code didn't change the boolean to false, it will remain true meaning the string is infact a palindrome.
echo "the following string IS a palindrome: " . $string;
} else {
echo "the following string IS NOT a palindrome: " . $string;