Being new to Linux I understand your problems...Linux for most Linux users is a very solid stable platform that rarely crashes (for me much more stable than Windows); but this is down to familiarity and a bit of effort is required to get comfortable. BUT it is not for every one. Certainly most drivers in Linux for hardware is a result people working without much cooperation from the hardware vendors; this is not a fault of Linux, but that manfactureres tend not to be helpful in providing support fro Linux users.
ALL Linux distributions have built in development platforms because Linux, being open source, tends to be distributed with the build environment.
Debian is the most stable distro and has the widest supported software packages
Ubuntu is the most commonly used
openSuSe is best for those seeking easy integration with windows builds.
All Linux distributions allow you to create a build PHP, python C++, etc with a few clicks of the mouse button.
You are keen to have a Out-of-the-box php and web development platform, may I suggest XAMPP.
This single package contains everything you need
Python and PERL interpreters are often built-in on most Desktop distributions
There is no shortage of books. I would however suggest that the biggest aids to learning Linux is 1) patience, 2) an open mind 3) reasonable level of interest. 4) search on Linux forums for support...