I am running a linking website for games. The original website name was Game Web Links. That is the same url for my site. I was using PHP-NUKE as a website CMS, but it really sucks. I decided to run Joomla on a sub folder on my site, with a seperate database. I plan on eventually copying all those files over, once I modify Joomla to do the same thing as my cheezy phpnuke script. I am still holding onto my previous script and hosting that as the main, because I have modified, and payed for new work on it. When I have time and money, I will modify Joomla to be a mirror image, then overwrite the phpnuke files on the main /httpdocs/ folder.
To make a long story short...
What should I call this sub folder, just in case it is permanent, but an evolved version of my site?
Example: /mysite.com/welcome/ , /mysite.com/evolved/, /mysite.com/advanced/
Those are just examples. What would not sound like a WTF?! name for the sub folder running joomla?