The regular expression above would select lines of text that have the word "shell" in them. Is that what you want?
The ^ character means to start at the beginning of a line.
The dot character matches anything and the asterisk that follows it means to match zero to all
The text "shell" should match "shell".
Then, we have another dot followed by an asterisk which will match anything any number of times
Finally, we have the dollar sign $ which matches the end of the line.
Learning regular expressions can be very useful. They work pretty much the same in many programming languages *and* in many editors.
I recently used regular expressions in a text file of data that was about 5000 lines long to remove the initial space which I didn't want there.
I recently used regular expressions in a text file of code that had line numbers in and I easily eliminated all of the line numbers using a regular expression in my text editor.
Here's a link to a tutorial on regular expressions: