Write a main program that performs the following steps:
Prompt the user to enter a string, and let them type it in. This could be an entire sentence, with the newline indicating the end of the string. You may assume the string will be no more than 100 characters, so declare your array accordingly.
Display the following menu:
A) Count the number of vowels in the string
B) Count the number of consonants in the string
C) Convert the string to uppercase
D) Convert the string to lowercase
E) Display the current string
F) Enter another string
M) Display this menu
X) Exit the program
Enter a loop, allowing the user to type in a menu choice each time. Loop should continue until the user enters the command to exit. Upper and lowercase letters should be allowed for the menu choices.
When the A or B commands are entered (counting vowels or consonants), call the corresponding function, then print the result
When the C or D commands are chosen, just call the appropriate function to convert the string. Do not do any output from main on these commands.
When E is chosen, print the contents of the stored string.
When F is chosen, allow a new string to be typed -- this will replace the previous one.
The menu should only be displayed once at the start, and then again whenever the M option is selected