I'm trying to learn Python 3.3 for a Programming Fundamentals Class.. Currently the book we use is How to think Like a Computer Scientist by Jeffrey Elkner 2e. http://www.openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ H Personally I am not understanding the concept of how to think like a computer scientist. When it comes to the word problems I get stuck and I cannot figure out how to apply what I learned because the book is somewhat general to me. I do not enjoy this book for a few reasons, I believe this book is made for someone with some type of programming background. I do not have any experience and I have not been exposed to programming. Also, this book has no sample word problems with solutions. For example a math book has sample word problems with answers and then the book gives you a similar problem to work through. This book just throws word problems at you and you are supposed to understand how to figure it out without it giving you a similar word problem and it does not give solutions.
So my question is are there any simple Python Programming books for someone with no programming background like myself with interactive lessons or sample word problems with answers that will show you how to work through the word problems?