Anyone who've said 'properties' has no clue what they're saying.
Properties shows the object/programs initial values.
For example; the properties of Sony Vegas may show 980MB~ Depending on the version.
(Size is one parameter).
You'll need what's called a HEX Editor.
A Hex editor is pretty much just a Binary file editor.
It will allow you to manipulate Binary.
The Icon doesn't necissarily need to be changed within a HEX editor if you're the only one wanting to see the file.
In this case, you'd be usinga an Icon changer.
(Or, make a shortcut of the program, go to properties > advanced > change icon)
However, you'll need full fledged HEX editor's for changing it completely.
Another thing you may need to know, is you cold possibly violate the ToS of the product you're using.
Read it first.
Hope it helped, You're friend, Tony.
Check this out, it could help you :)