1 The predefined addition operators are listed below. 2 For numeric and enumeration types, the predefined addition operators compute the sum of the two operands. 3 When one or both operands are of type string, the predefined addition operators concatenate the string representation of the operands
4 Integer addition:
int operator +(int x, int y);
uint operator +(uint x, uint y);
long operator +(long x, long y);
ulong operator +(ulong x, ulong y);
5 In a checked context, if the sum is outside the range of the result type, a System.OverflowException is thrown. 6 In an unchecked context, overflows are not reported and any significant high-order bits outside the range of the result type are discarded.
7 Floating-point addition:
float operator +(float x, float y);
double operator +(double x, double y);
(((dang! I don't like that. Hope this helps, tho. I'm wondering, is it imperitive you learn and use C#? Because in the little bit of time i just spent searching for what should be a simple solution to this, i learned: 1.) you're not the only who has bumped into this problem, and 2.) i'm totally turned off on the C# language now. It appears to be a broken implementation of C/C++. dang! ))))
Another place to ask that might help: