What are the differences btwn. a flat file database and a relational database?
2007-11-11 11:12:28 UTC
What are the differences btwn. a flat file database and a relational database?
Four answers:
2007-11-11 11:21:41 UTC
Relational database is made up of tables. A flat database is made up of a single file with fields separated by commas, tabs or semis.
David P
2007-11-11 19:22:34 UTC
These terms relate to how the data is stored.
In a flat file, all data for an object is stored in one record, a bit like writing everything you know about something on a single index card. This has a lot of duplicated data.
In a relational database, the common elements are separated out into a different file, so that there is no duplication. These elements are then referenced or related to the main record.
The way fields are delimited within each record varies between database programs, exampes include comma, space, special character and tab delimited formats as well as fixed record length formats such as dbf. These can be used in either flat file or relational databases.
2007-11-11 19:18:01 UTC
A flat file is a text file with individual fields separated by a delimiter or arranged in columns.
A relational database is not viewable as a text file. Instead, it is a set of relations (sort of files) that are linked by the relational database manager by way of key fields. The database manager enforces certain conditions, such as preventing duplicate keys.