1)Field:-in database terminology the rows are called Fields so row name is denoted by field as id,name,age etc.
2)Type:-defines the data type of the field as integer,character,date etc
3)Null:-no: specifies that the value cannot be null (empty). that is, each row in the column would have a value.As id cannot be null so it has been assigned as NOT NULL
4)KEY:-key can be primary(PRI),FOREIGN etc. no two data entries can be same for the id since it is primary key and uniquely identifies each row.A primary key of another table is foreign key.
5)DEFAULT:Here some default value should have been passed for the id because primary key cannot be null.if default is set to null it means it has no value.So while creating an id field following comand should be passed:-
id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key
6)EXTRA :-extra property is set to auto increment so when MySQl comes across a column with an auto_increment attribute, it generates a new value that is one greater than the largest value in the column. Thus, we don't need to supply values for this column, MySQL generates it for us! Also, it follows that each value in this column would be unique.
Refer to database system concepts by Korth (McGraw Hill) for understanding of field and its attributes .