No, you should NOT use ANTLR, Lex, or Yacc.
You need to start with simple, recursive descent parsers and learn what is meant by left-recursive and right-recursive productions and how to convert from left-recursive form to right-recursive form (which you definitely want to use with recursive descent parsers.)
Recursive descent parsers are trivial to write (you simply write one subroutine for each production) once you have the right-recursive productions written down.
As I told you earlier, the FIRST THING you should do is to write an expression analyzer -- one that can accept an algebraic expression, parse it, and execute it (by interpreting it.) That is step #1 for ANYONE learning about parsing, compiling, etc. It is LEVEL 1. You need to get to LEVEL 1 first. By then, you will learn a lot and that will make your questions much more clear and precise and you will then have moved in the right direction and have some intuition about where next to go.
Learn about productions, recursive descent parsing, and expression analysis first. I've a very old page, but perhaps still useful, to this effect. See 1st link below. To see a simple, completed expression parser and execution engine for an algebraic expression calculator, see the 2nd link below: It includes a trial run of a couple of expressions, too.