I don't know c. I looked at your question because the title said c++. You might want to re-ask this with a question that's clearer, something like "C programming: What are getchar and putchar?" so answerers know whether they can help before they even open the details.
That said, there are many message boards out there for people learning programming. You'll get great help on them. Here's one: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/forum/15-c-and-c/
Did you think about just sending the C book back to Amazon and making them send you the book you actually ordered? C is okay, but it's not object-oriented, and you'll have to unlearn it when you go to learn C++. If you were an experienced programmer, this would be easier to do, because you'd already know several languages. Personally, I'd get the C++ book. If Amazon made a mistake, they really ought to overnight the correct book, so you wouldn't have long to wait.
You might also be interested in learning Python, which is supposed to be a good first language because it's cleaner and easier than C++ and Java, and gives you the option of using object-oriented code or not. You don't even need a book, as there are some great tutorials on the web (find them at http://www.python.org ).
There are also some free courses on the web taught by professors at top universities, that you can start anytime and go at your own pace. You even get a certificate if you finish these courses. You don't have to be a college student - they are easy enough for a 14-year-old. Check them out on these websites:
http://www.udacity.com/overview/Course/cs101/CourseRev/apr2012 (learn to build a web crawler, start any time)
https://www.coursera.org/course/interactivepython (learn to create some games, but it doesn't start till October)