1. core java : if u want to get strong in core java, prepare for SCJP(you need not write that test). Just prepare for that certification exam.
2. jdbc: just write how many topics are there. and just see briefly, that's enough for JDBC.
3. Servlets : if you are in Hyderabad, you can find SCWCD Durgasoft's materials in market's. Read them, he covers all the topics. if you aren't from hyderabad follow the below steps for servlets
->servlet life cycle, javax.servlet.servlet, javax.servlet.http. just see these topics and try to remember those classes and interfaces present in these packages.
->Deployment descriptor file, in web.xml try to find out each element purpose. & deployment archt.
->servletconfig, servletcontext, Session management.
->filters. there ends servlets.
4. jsp :
-> jsp elements: declarations, scriplets, directives.
->implicit objects : 9 & scopes : 4
->standard actions & custom tags
all the stuff to success in interviews only.
if you want to become an expert in programming you should read some algorithmic books, such as write some algorithm to some logic etc.
all the best.