What is the difference between Windows web hosting and Linux web hosting?
Ceducerwitheyestokill T
2008-08-14 12:23:42 UTC
Which is better for performance and security? I don't know anything about PHP, website design, database, etc. I will be using a template design from MS Publisher. What would you recommend?
Eight answers:
2008-08-15 00:19:43 UTC
All websites today currently run on either a Windows web server or a Linux-based server. The vast majority of websites run on a Linux-based platform as Linux has a strong reputation for security and web server performance. With standard (static) HTML-based websites, the web hosting platform doesn't make much difference. When it does make a difference, however, is when the website uses a dynamic scripting technology such as ASP (A Microsoft based technology), or PHP / PERL (Linux based technologies). A Windows-based hosting solution will run a Microsoft Windows server with IIS (Internet Information Server), and is necessary to run an ASP / ASP.NET scripted website. A Linux-based platform is typically used for PHP, Perl, and most other types of websites. Basically, unless your website uses ASP (pages ending in the .asp extention), Windows hosting is not neccessary.
Take a look at: http://bluehost-service.atspace.com . I’m sure it would work for you and fulfill all your requirements. They have a really great offer & I have used them for over 3 yrs now, and have never had a single problem with them. Their service is really great and easy to use.
2016-05-28 11:52:56 UTC
Hi.. Your choice between Windows hosting and Linux hosting should depend on your specific needs, the type of website you have, and the various features that you need supported. Here’s a look at the main difference between these two types of web hosting. Linux Vs Windows Hosting : 1)Operating system (OS) used - Windows works on the Microsoft Windows Server operating system but Linux Web Hosting uses the Linux operating system such as Red Hat, CentOS and Debian. 2)Server access - FTP access (transferring files from hard drive to host server using the File Transfer Protocol) to your files is possible on both Windows and Linux. 3)Stability and performance 4)Cost effectiveness - Since Linux is an open source OS and is free to use, Linux hosting is often cheaper than Windows hosting. 5)Features and languages supported - Microsoft proprietary features such as ASP, .NET, FrontPage are mostly supported on Windows Web Hosts, some of these features do have support on Linux. 6)Security - The common belief is that Windows servers are not as secure as Linux servers, mainly because the large number of users using windows operating systems.
2008-08-16 18:41:09 UTC
A Linux-based platform is typically used for PHP, Perl, and most other types of websites.A Windows-based web hosting will run a Microsoft Windows server with IIS , and is necessary to run an ASP / ASP.NET scripted website. I prefer bluehost webhosting for mine
2008-08-14 18:16:27 UTC
Windows web hosting uses a different type of database than lynx (most of the time)...
Most of the time Windows is known to use MSSQL and Linux uses MYSQL...
There is more information on this topic at: http://www.alreadyhosting.com
2008-08-14 12:36:21 UTC
There isn't much of a difference, and in your case, you won't need to worry about what kind of webhosting you get.
If you're looking to use Microsoft-based software to implement your site, Windows web hosting might be slightly better, but really, you don't have to worry about it.
2008-08-14 22:19:43 UTC
You may get an idea about all type of hosting from