This problem is usually a result of attempting to access your server without specifying a valid username and password.
To set passwords for both the ROOT 'MySQL user' and the ADMINISTRATIVE 'MySQL user', you will need to UPDATE the 'mysql' database, which contains user privileges.
To connect to the 'mysql' database through the MySQL monitor program, follow these steps:
1-Log into your Freedom server.
2-Enter the following command at your shell prompt:
> mysql -u root mysql
The mysql> prompt appears, indicating that you are now working within the MySQL monitor:
Now that you are connected to the 'mysql' database, you can set the password for both the 'root' user and the administrative user according to the instructions in the following sections.
Setting the root MySQL Password
for further information visit
***Also try opening a console, log in as root with su, then just typing mysql (without the -u parameter)
***Or try:
Admin user id: root
Default password: blank
The first task is to assign a password:
Note: the following SQL commands will also work:
mysql> USE mysql;
mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new-password') WHERE user='root';
and then
mysql -h localhost -u root -ppassword
***Or try this:
1) stop the mysql server
2) mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
3) mysql -u root
4) mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR root;
5) GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'%';
6) restart the server (without --skip-grant-table option) and try to login
~~~~~~~~where can u type the commands~~~~~~
c:\mysql\bin>mysql -u root
I've a very poor idea abt this, but I hope it helps.