I have a suggestion, you have a lot of work ahead of you and another solution may be the best option. What you want to do will select the price dynamically from the database, but you are still going to have a lot of static elements, and you will have to hand code the product id's into every product on every page.
I suggest setting up a new shopping cart that you can use for your catalog pages. I recommend OScommerce http://www.oscommerce.com, it is opensource and free to use. There are a lot of indepndantly written conributions/modifications you can install to customize the store. You will have to learn a little bit about PHP to install contributions, but most of them have well written instructions. With OScommerce, there is a contribution called ezpopulate. After you install it, you can modify every product in the store (and add aditional products) by uploading an excel spreadsheet. That will make it much easier to manage your store in the long run. You can completely redesign it to fit your website by modifying files in /includes (header, footer, left nav, right nav). Catalog pages are created in the store dynamically from the database. So as soon as you edit your database the changes will appear on you site, so you don't have to make manual html changes. There is a pretty big learning curve depending on how much PHP you already know.
As far as search engine optimization, I would not try to optimize the dynamic catalog pages. What I have always done in the past is set up OScommerce in a directory like /cart or /store and set up static html pages in the site root. These pages will be your search engine landing pages, and they will direct your visitors into the catalog pages. So instead of listing every product in X category on the X category landing page, have detailed information about X category on that page and then direct users into the X category catalog.
OScommerce does have a couple search engine friendly contributions, but creating HTML landing pages has always worked out better for me.
PM me if you want any live examples.