There are a great number of good programming languages out there -- Perl and Python are very good. I suspect Java isn't that hard once you get in to it. These are modern languages that have some great uses in online programming. I don't know either of them personally -- I am speaking about their reputations.
From my own knowledge ... I would stay away from C! It is hard, and Cobol is just plain torturous (you write a lot of code before anything happens).
A whole generation of programmers started with Basic and considering that it was designed as a teaching aide to get kids interested in programming it is very simple and easy to understand (Not Visual Basic). The regular old command line Basic is a lot of fun to play with!
Visual Basic is still used! I find it very difficult myself ... but if one learned it first, it would be a good language.
Another programming language that was designed to teach programming was Pascal. It was very powerful and popular, but over time it just faded away. I am not sure if there are current versions available for Windows or not.
Now comes the real advice ... I use to program professionally, but I haven't typed line of real code in years! If you want to just crunch numbers then learn MS Excel ... it won't be pretty, but as far as getting the math done goes Excel is wonderful. Not only will it do the work but it is a good skill set to have in the future. On the resume most employers know what MS Excel is -- saying you understand Cobol, or C ++ just confuses most people.
As far as books go -- the "Dummies books" are rather good -- the two on C got me through the class. For the most part they are excellent beginners books!
Best of luck,