2015-11-17 11:17:23 UTC
Create a program to do the following:
1) Read in names to sort until the user types the “enter” key as the first character of a string (the maximum number of names is 20, there is not a maximum length to a name).
2) After sorting and displaying the array of strings, ask the user for a string to search for (again, no maximum length).
3) Do a binary search to find if the string is in the array
4) If the string is in the array, tell the user the index of the string.
5) If the string is not in the array, tell the user that it is missing.
6) Repeat items 3 thru 5 until the user enters the “enter” key as the first character of the string, at which time the program will complete.
BONUS: A bonus of 20 points if you create the program in such a way that there is no limit on the number of names to be handled.
** I'm trying to achieve the bonus