Programming Advice?
2008-06-22 01:35:01 UTC
I would like to start learning how to create programs, but know nothing about it. There are so many different types of programming offered that I don't even know where to begin. I am very interested in learning how to write a functioning program that would allow me to manipulate graphics.
Which program would be the best to learn this, and which one is better designed for a complete novice?

Now, with that answered, can you help to direct me to some free learning tools,web sites,books, and tutorials so that I can learn and practice at the same time?

Thank you.....
Five answers:
2008-06-22 01:37:33 UTC
You can start programming C++ from the beginning with these videos:

This one will show you how to install a free compiler:

These videos will show you how to set up to program graphics with OpenGL:
Mihai M
2008-06-22 01:47:38 UTC
you can't learn to program graphics, you first learn to program, you complete some projects, and then after you write some software to manipulate graphics. I would recommend you to first learn pascal on borland pascal 7, which you may download here:

After you learn some concepts as procedure, functions, variables, constants, pointers, variable types, etc... ,you may try to write your software in delphi from codegear( ) Delphi has a price, but you may want to check delphi distiller(google it),which is a program that allows you to test delphi more than codegear allows you. I higly recommend you to buy delphi before you sell your first software.

And don't listen to those who say that pascal is a dead language, bla bla... Pascal is not a dead language, and Delphi is the only true RAD programming environment.

RAD stands for rapid application development.
2008-06-22 01:41:16 UTC
I think that i can answer your question, even i like to be a programmer and i dont know except little about it, the best programs you can use are autocad and photoshop , how to make programs and graphics? you can submit to and make programs.
D&I Office Technology
2008-06-22 01:56:36 UTC
Okay when it comes to programming one basic rule is make sure you can build all of your tools/apps/programs with simplest of tools and code.

This is the KISS Rule, Keep It Simple Stupid.

Now either you would like to program with the internet as your backbone for the code or you would like a client side application or a win32 based program.


Internet Based Way

If your going for the internet based option then i would suggest you start with looking at code for basic html and php.

This combination will allow you to produce graphics with in a few hours even for the most novice of users and in the end with a little time and practice allow you to produce animations or flash based documents/animations.

A note tho, HTML is a client side output... So the client, end user, you, your friends will see it. HTML is a simple language that you can edit with in windows notepad and save a document.html / document.htm

One you have saved the document you can just start to view it by double clicking on it and having InternetExplorer/Firefox open it and view it like any web page.

PHP on the other hand runs on the server and produces the output or generates the output inside of your HTML page.

So PHP has to run on the server and this is not by default on a normal home users computer. But if you want to test all of this on your home computer with out having to rent or build a server.

Try this package


Win32 Based Way

If you want to build a windows based application then you will need a win32 compiler. This will be in the range of VB / C / C# / C++ and all the other languages that can run on a win32 platform.

Visual Basic (VB) would be the most simple but you need to locate yourself a copy of it, If you are going with this option for a basic learning level i would suggest VB6. I know people we say steer well away from Visual basic in general and i would agree but if you want a very simple introduction to programming basic with alot of the hard work cut out for you so you can focus on the end result then this will help alot.

Visual basic has the simple drag an element on to your form/window and change it to suit. But that only works in the range of controls like buttons and text boxes. For drawing your own graphics you will need to result to loading picutes/movies into the window or drawing your own using various methods.

A simple method to draw your own graphics is to use visual basics PSet()

With Pset this will allow you to edit any pixel in a specified container.

For this method i would suggest a site like:

You can use things like C++ to generate graphics and so on.

The next step is deciding which graphics engine to use to generate and display your graphics.

This can be generating your own video, A animated GIF file, A slide show, Redrawing live on the screen, Flash based files and shows.

If your want tutorials for visual basic or c++ try the following lists:



If i can be of any help then please free to contact me
mayur Patel Web Developer / SEO
2008-06-22 01:44:33 UTC
you can start with HTML language for website deeloping and then start , or u can start with c,c++ language it easy and foundation of most of language so start.

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