2013-05-19 16:25:04 UTC
(f) architects-builders (page on site)
(f) bootstrap
(f) downloads
(f) files
(f) homeowners (page on site)
(f) images
(f) includes
(f) installing dealers (page on site)
(f) members (page on site)
(f) old
(f) styles
(f) wp-admin
(f) wp-content
(f) wp-includes
(fi) .htaccess
(fi) 404.php
(fi) contact-us.php
(fi) error_log
(fi) favicon.ico
(fi) favicon.png
(fi) google_analytics
(fi) googlexxxxxxx.html
(fi) index.php (page on site, that links with wordpress ok)
(fi) index2.php (the bad index page, i had to disable this inorder for the correct one to work)
(fi) license.txt, php.ini, readme.html, sitemap.xml, sitemapxml.gz,
(fi) tradeshow.php (incorrect version of this page- not showing on site)
(fi) wordpress 3.5 & 3.5.1 patches
(fi) wp-activate.php, wp-app.php, wp-blog-header.php, wp-comments-post.php, wp-config.php, wp-config-sample.php, wp-cron.php, wp-links-opml.php, wp-load.php, wp-login.php,wp-mail.php, wp-pass.php,wp-register.php, wp-settings.php, wp-signup.php, wp-trackback.php & xmlrpc.php
can anybody help, tell me where or what i can do? Hw can I get whats on my wordpress, back to whats being viewed when you type in my