fs: is a data segment override. When and x86 CPU addresses memory, the physical address is always derived from 2 components: the segment register and the offset specified by the operand. There is a default segment register for each instruction. For example:
lea edx,[esp+04h] -- Segment register is SP for instructions that use esp.
mov eax, [C0h] -- Segment register would be DS for a memory reference.
call foobar -- Segment register would be CS for a call instruction.
But sometimes you want code to use a different segment register from the default, which is where segment overrides come in. They aren't used as much as they used to be. Back in the bad old days of 16-bit programming, using segment overrides was common (a segment was limited to 64K, so you had to use segment overrides to get around that barrier).
Windows uses the FS segment register to access a threads TIB (Thread Information Block). It's done this ever since...well, ever since before there was a Windows...it was inherited from OS/2 (See second link).
First link shows the layout of the TIB. If you scroll down to FS:[0xC0] entry, it says: Reserved for Wow32. Looks to me like it is also used by Wow64. And it looks like what is stored at FS:[0xC0] is a pointer to a function that does "gdi stuff". And if you put the magic value 100Ah in eax before you call that function, it will do the real work for GetDC.
So, fs:[000000C0h] says: Use the FS register + the constant 0xC0 to derive a physical address. Call the function who's address is stored there.