Hey everyone. I am finally starting to take it upon myself to start teaching myself Perl over the summer before college in the fall. Out of interest and to lighten the learning curve when I'm actually in school because I have struggled with programming in the past. Usually because of incapable teachers at my past high school "teaching" Python and Turing. Anyways, I went to my local chapters and bought "learning Perl by Randal L. Schwartz" 6th edition. Figured if I bought it instead of downloading a PDF I'd get more motivation. I have a nice desktop I built so I am able to handle virtual box/ Vmware easily. Thats where I will be running Linux, in VMware. I have Kali Linux installed right now but i want a nicer version of Linux to work in. Is there any specific distro that is better or easier to start programming with? I'm thinking I'll just go with Mint or Ubuntu but wanted a hopefully more experienced persons opinion! Thanks in advanced.