Unfortunately everyone else who responded to you is dead wrong about this.
Visual Basic
Java will teach you bad habits, and the rest are trash.
Second off, you need no education to start a business or to work for google.
To learn from the master read the essays at http://www.paulgraham.com/
You need to install linux right away, that is first thing. Once you have a decent environment to work in, you can start to learn stuff.
If you want to get a job right away learn something like Python or Ruby
if you want to learn stuff right away and not worry about making money for 3 or 4 years, learn stuff like lisp or smalltalk.
Scheme is a great place to start with lisp. The book http://www.amazon.com/Little-Schemer-Daniel-P-Friedman/dp/0262560992/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1315643837&sr=8-1 being a great place to start learning it. then once you start figuring stuff out head to http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/ that requires some mathematical maturity.
If you like hardware learn C, which is a very beautiful language. (NOT C++ or C# which are awful.)
HTML is not a language, and a person can learn how it works in a couple days. The same thing with CSS, URL, and lots of other internet junk. Don't worry about learning any of that until you need it, otherwise you might end up memorizing lists and not actually learning anything.
Where I started: http://www.pavietnam.net/
The iphone class sounds like it might be worth your time, because it is fun.
Bad news about technology is that you might never find a decent class to actually teach you anything. The good news is that you can learn it all on your own, everything is so new that everyone is more or less a beginner.
As for linux, ubuntu.com is a great place to start. They have lots of instructions on how to install and such.