Huzaifa Sultaan
2007-12-18 08:11:17 UTC
1. Classes , Friend functions ,Function overloading
2. Dynamic memory allocation
3. Text Files (to save data)
4. Structures
Your program follow these task:
b) Display a welcome / greeting .
c) Menu driven program to allow ‘View Balance’, ‘Deposit’, ‘Withdraw’, ‘Transfer’ and ‘Exit’. Start with a beginning balance of 1000.00 in checking and 1500.00 in savings.
a) Should allow 5 users for Performing of different task like view balance, Deposit etc.
b) In View Balance, Current Balance should be shown.
c) In the Deposit, the customers can deposit amount in his account and updated balance must be displayed.
d) In the withdraw, the customer can withdraw amount and updated balance must be shown.
e) In the Transfer, the amount must be transferred to other customer account.
f) If amount is less than 500 Rs then deduct 25 Rs on each withdraw.
g) If amount is Greater than 2000 Rs Then