2009-08-11 12:11:05 UTC
It basicly generates a valid barcode and makes 1 image out of it.
I have found such generator, such as this one:
http://www.phphulp.nl/php/scripts/9/88/ (dutch btw)
sample of that code: http://www.nieko.net/tools/barcode.php
I dun really care if those are valid barcodes, but this is what I want.
My aim is to convert this form into a function, and then save the barcode image, without displaying it.
basicly, in the end, I want to have an function like:
Unfortunately, I lack the skills on this area. ( creating/motifying images, saving/exporting them )
how do I export an generated Image without displaying it like in the sample?
Tutorials are not appriciated though.